A large part of the development and purpose of Little Fenway West at River Rock Ranch is the holding of charity fundraiser events at the ranch along with providing families with children suffering from terminal illness to have a place to stay as an escape from the suffering. The Ranch’s home and various other living quarters (e.g. 1961 Shasta Airflyte trailer) will be available from time to time for these families to enjoy the Ranch at no charge.

We held our first annual charity Wiffle Ball® tournament on September 7, 2019, to benefit Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance and hosted over 200 Wiffle Ball® players and their families. This year’s event for Keaton’s will be a weekend long event September 18th  -19th, 2021.  We are also in the planning stages of hosting a Wounded-Warrior’s Charity Wiffle Ball® Tournament on September 18th -19th, 2021.

Little Fenway West Release of Liabilty Form - Wounded-Warrior’s

Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance

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